Day 3 / Common Track / Talk 9 Talk – Moonshot: P4 Compiler Backend for TC Speakers: Marian Pritsak, Matty Kadosh Report by: Anjali Singhai

During this talk, Marian from Mellanox, presented a P4 backend compiler that uses the linux TC as a P4 target architecture. He begun his talk providing an overview of the flexible hybrid pipeline and the flexible parser. He quickly moved to the P4-16 Language Elements, the parser, control blocks and match action tables. The target specific elements are the Actions, metadata and target Architecture.

The current state of their work is that the backend is not available as an open source. Marian discussed their usage of the tc flower filter based matching and can do hardware offload. Marian also mentioned that they are using the P4Runtime API to configure the data path via CLI.

What’s not yet supported is a programmable parser and modifier (not in TC) as pedit cannot add headers just make edits, as well as counters.
