Submit a proposal

Netdev 1.1 is a community-driven conference geared towards Linux netheads. Linux kernel networking and user space utilization of the interfaces to the Linux kernel networking subsystem are the focus. If you are using Linux as a boot system for proprietary networking, then this conference _may not be for you_.

Current topics include:

  • Wireless.
  • Performance analysis and improvement.
  • Networking hardware and offload.
  • Netfilter.
  • Traffic control.
  • Different networking layers (L2/3, etc.).
  • Internet of things.
  • Security.
  • Additional topics can be suggested.

We expect about 2-3 parallel tracks both during tutorials and main talks.

Session submissions

We encourage submission of paper and tutorial proposals, though we *highly discourage* submission of recycled talks. Your proposals will be evaluated by the technical committee in first place, that will provide prompt feedback to you. If your proposal is approved, you will be requested to submit your Camera-ready paper. Unlike other conferences, accepted proposals will be regularly announced on our website.

Please stay within the relevant topic focus and tie to FOSS Linux networking to make it easier for the technical committee to provide quick feedback. In order to give a talk you must be registered. If your proposal is accepted you will not be charged a conference fee or your conference fee will be refunded to you when your talk gets accepted. We will be posting more updates on how to submit in the near future.

Type of proposals

1. BoF

  • This serves to carry out initial discussions on some topic without any pre-planned agenda.
  • At least one person is responsible for introducing the topic, chairing and moderate it.
  • You have to list a few people that will be planning to be there to participate in the discussion.
  • Expect people from the public to participate actively in the discussions.

2. Talk

  • This implies planned agenda.
  • At least one person is responsible for the presentation.
  • Details proposal/development plans to the public for 45 minutes.

3. Tutorial

  • This implies planned agenda too.
  • Introduces audience to a topic.
  • Includes practical examples on using the functionality.
  • Functionality should already be in mainline or at least have been posted already.
Proposal format

Your proposal must be sent to between October 13 and December 20 following this format:

  • Title.
  • Type: BoF, Talk, Tutorial.
  • Description (350 words max).
  • Submitter names.
  • Estimated time (talk = 45 minutes max., tutorial = 90 minutes max.).

Once your proposal is accepted, please prepare your paper based on this template (odt) or this one (latex).